Bagged Mulch vs Bulk Mulch
The mulch that is bought from big box stores is generally sold by the bag. These bags come in various sizes ranging from 1 cubic foot to 3 cubic feet of mulch per bag. Below is a conversion table that shows you how many bags it takes depending on size to equal one cubic yard.
Bagged Mulch Conversion Table |
Number of bags for Cubic yard Equivalence |
1 Cu. Yd |
3 Cu. Yds. |
5 Cu. Yds. |
1 Cu. Ft. Bag |
27 |
81 |
135 |
1.5 Cu. Ft. Bag |
18 |
54 |
90 |
2 Cu. Ft. Bag |
14 |
42 |
70 |
3 Cu. Ft. Bag |
9 |
27 |
45 |
If you normally purchase your mulch in bag form, we encourage you to look at the savings of buying by the cubic yard.
Take the amount of bags that you normally use and convert it to cubic yards with the help of the chart listed above. Take the cost per bag and multiply it by the total number of bags required to equal one cubic yard. This is your cost per cubic yard for the bagged mulch. Purchasing mulch by the cubic yard from Timber Ridge Wood Products can save you up to 40% versus buying in bags from the big box stores.